Royal Society of Canada

The Royal Society of Canada (RSC), Canada's national academy, coordinates three major programs recognizing outstanding achievements and extraordinary leadership in a wide variety of fields. Support for these awards and distinctions is provided through Research Western. For more information, please contact Julaine Hall, Research Development Officer (Awards & Distinctions).


Fellowship in the RSC is one of the highest research honours attainable by Canadian scholars, researchers and artists. Fellows are peer-elected as the best in their field, and thus represent the pinnacle of Canadian intellectual leadership. For more information visit the Western Research website.

The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

In 2013/14, the RSC inaugurated its College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. The College is open to researchers of exceptional accomplishment or who demonstrate great potential, and who are not more than 15 years past conferral of their PhD or equivalent degree. For more information, visit the Western Research website.

Medals and Awards

The RSC also offers a variety of prestigious medals and awards recognizing outstanding achievements by Canadian researchers. View the Western Research website or the online nomination system for more information.


In general, nomination processes for all three RSC programs are similar, with minor differences. Nominators are encouraged to consult with Western's Awards & Distinctions team in Research Western. Nominations must be made by:

  • A Fellow of the RSC, plus two other co-nominators; or
  • The University President, plus two other co-nominators (co-nominators are not required for nominations to the College if the President is the primary nominator).

Nominees must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. A complete nomination packages consist of:

  • Three letters of nomination (from the Primary Nominator and two co-nominators);
  • A 70-word citation;
  • A 1,000-word appraisal of the nominee’s work and suitability for the award;
  • A CV;
  • A list of the nominee's 15 most-significant publications (Fellowship nomination only); and
  • Three letters of reference (not required for nominations to the College).